johnman wrote:
My apologies if this has been brought up before but I haven't seen anything myself.
Is there a way for there to be a pull down menu, so I don't have to type it in every time?
Screenshot 2024-02-07 164343.png
You may already know this but thought I would throw it out there anyway, depending on your objective you may not need a drop down. If you're wanting to enter tags that are identical on multiple movies/shows just enter the first tag manually on the first movie then while you're in 2 pane view just right click and hold down on the next movie in the left hand pane, keep holding down on the right mouse button and scroll down to the choice "Add Tag: (your last tag will be here) then just let up off the right mouse button while it is highlighted and you will have entered that tag on that movie/show.
Would be nice if Hector could modify the app to allow multiple section of movies in the left hand pane, maybe he can throw that in there at some point then you could multiple select movies and accomplish the same task on all highlight movies at once instead of having to update them individually.